
See What Had Happened Was...

I know, I know. Where have I been? Well, I've officially made my move to the ATL, and I haven't had the time, or should I say, the motivation to blog. *blank stare* But I have been keeping busy writing for other establishments like shivemagazine.com and handsonnetwork.org. As for as this blog, I just haven't had anything "inspiring" that has happened worth blogging about...until now.

Over the past couple of months I've been learning a lot about time and patience. Time--who and what to give it to. Patience--allowing God to have His way. But more on that latter.

I've recently submitted an article, but it won't be featured in the magazine I've submitted it for. So, poot on them. It's below. It's basically summarizes where I've been mentally and spiritually for the past couple of months. Comment if you like:

God has a secret.

Yes. I know you’re like. How could the all omnipotent have a secret? Well, it’s true. What’s his secret you ask? It’s called life.

Living on my own for the past couple of months, I’ve learned that life isn’t a planned destination. We as humans cannot plan the future, because we don’t know it. It’s a secret. Of course, I’ve participated in all the necessary steps to secure that my future would be what I’ve planned it to be.

1) I made straight A’s in high school to make it into a “top-notch” school.

2) I precociously went all out to finish college in four years with a GPA over 3.5.

3) Etc.

But then reality came after that glorious and ceremonial celebration called graduation. I’M STILL NOT LIVING MY PLANNED LIFE.

You see by now, I should ‘of’ been making well over $30,000 a year doing something I love—oh! and don’t forget the benefits. But now I’m anxiously waiting on my planned future to happen. Sometimes I wonder will it ever happen. Will I ever find the woman of my dreams? Will I ever be able to purchase that brand of clothing called Gucci just because I can, even though I don’t like it? Will I ever be able to live the life of a 50 cent music video with a Kelly Rowland-esque woman as my wife? Will I ever? So, I turn to the Almighty for answers to my questions. And he tells me, “It’s a secret!” What?! It’s a secret!

So, I squander in life looking for a sign or something to learn my future. But as time has passed, I’ve learned that those signs never really give me the answer that I’m looking for. They never really reveal “the secret.” I’ve read numerous articles and “how to” books. I’ve asked peers and mentors for advice. Others have sought psychics, prophets, and witches. Some have even read the The Secret by Rhonda Byrne thoroughly over and over again to find out what “the secret” is. But what we haven’t learned is that life’s a secret…and probably for a good reason. Imagine a world where everyone lived according to how their life would be in the future trying to prevent or make certain things come to pass. Life would be crazy (as I’ve seen on ABC’s Flash Forward)! Some of us would kill ourselves, literally.

So after squandering and searching for the secret, I turned to God, and asked him a question: “Well…how will I know rather or not I’ll be a success?” He then turns to me and says, “Faith.”