
Learning Obama

The music industry can learn a lot from President Barack Obama's candidacy. Besides the notion of change, the ultimate lesson to be learned should be titled "How to Reach the People." President Obama's platform basically reiterates and reestablishes the Gettysburg Address: "...by the people, for the people...." This same concept can be and should be applied to the music industry.

Recently, President Obama introduced a new feature on WHITEHOUSE.GOV, which gives the public the opportunity to submit questions and vote on questions to be answered during an online town hall. This new effort by the White House to give the government back to the people is something the music industry has been struggling with for the past 10 years. Instead, the people are taking the music industry back by force. Maybe, these big record companies should give the industry back to the people simply by making their artists more reachable similar to the way President Obama is doing in his presidential office. This would be a great marketing angle. [CL]

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