

I guess a more fitting question would be, "What do I do?" Well, I am currently a former student suffering withdrawal systems from the secure life of college. Yes, I was one of those students who graduated in four years expecting to find that "good a$$ job" after graduation. However, I've been in search of that "good a$$ job" since May 10, 2008. Now, I'm finally learning that things don't always go according to plans. I've must of been delirious at the time. No major experience. In a falling economy. On top of that, the diminishing recording industry. It seems that finding that "good a$$ job" is like finding a million bucks in the toilet after...um, releasing some tension. This is where I've learned I have to make my own "good ass job." The problem is I DON'T KNOW HOW. This is where blogging will come in handy...hopefully.

I've also learned that I have to make myself more marketable within this job market. I have to make employers and business associates want to network with me, and blogging is one of the first steps in doing so. Yeah, I've tried it before: solowe.wordpress.com. But the best thing is I can always change.

Change. Yes, we've heard that word so much over the past year or so that it's become cliche to use. But it's the truth. If you want different results, you have to change. This is what I'm trying to do, change my way of thinking and expand my talents. So, don't be surprised when you see me do things out of my "ordinary." America has her first black president! And even though others don't recognize the change that's occurring (I was also a victim of racial profiling last year. Patting me down, asking me if I have a job, and having a dog sniff my car all for not signaling when getting in the passing lane was not necessary.), I've decided in my heart not to let others deter me from my progress. Yes I can! Capeesh?

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