
Twitter: A New Marketing Tool?

Twittering. Heard of it? No it's not the sound a bird makes. It's another social networking site. I know. You're probably thinking, "Another 'social networking' site to expose myself on!" But can Twitter become a new marketing tool for music? Possibly.

Since the birth of MySpace, the landscape of music marketing has totally changed. Once thought of has one huge montain, the landscape has morphed into a plain full of hills and valleys. The real question is, "How can I efficiently market my product?" If you can't market your product efficiently, it'll just become another pesky flier that ends up in the nearest garbage can.

The first step is to figure out your target market. What networking sites do your target market use? How often do they use them? For me, twittering is "brand new" and a little trivial. So, it is of little use for me.

For Twitter (or any other social networking site) to work it has to have the following:
  1. a descent amount of known friends to "network" with
  2. contstant updates from those friends
  3. and an innovative method for meeting new friends
Since Twitter doesn't meet all of these requirements for me, I'm basically talking to myself even with celebrity friends. (The chance of them replying is slim to none.) So for Twitter to work as a marketing tool, there must be a significant amount of innovators and "influencers" attracting the majority of their friends, and it's obvious I don't have enough influence to attract anyone. But overtime, that will change.

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